Uckfield 105 FM
Friday 7 February 2014
Feel free to listen in to Friday's radio show where, with radio presenter Tony Williams, we share Supernova 2014J which exploded 'recently' - some 11 to 12 million years ago in 'nearby' irregular galaxy, M82 in Ursa Major - but which is currently visible in larger amateur telescopes.
Supernova 2014J (circled) in M82: (NASA/Swift)
We also share the delights of February's night sky: mighty Jupiter, beautiful Venus and her conjunction with the Moon on 26 February, the occultation by the Moon of the star Lamba Geminorum on 11 February, and much more.
Astronomy vs Astrology
Tuesday 25 February 2014
at 1130 hrs
Join Tony Williams, Uckfield 105 FM's resident Astrologer, Sharon, and me, for a live debate, or 'battle' as Tony would say (!), where astronomy goes head to head with astrology.
After much negotiation, Tony has thrown down the gauntlet and Sharon and I have picked it up! So please do join us for what promises to be lively discussion and much debate about these two fascinating subjects. I can't wait!
Due to the recent wet and windy weather - why am I using the word 'recent', it feels as if it's been around forever (!) - a number of astronomy events in which I was due to be involved have been cancelled. I will update with new info as and when it becomes available. In the meantime, watch this space!
Keep looking up ... those skies will clear ... eventually!