On the morning of Friday 2 December 2016, I joined a truly lovely group of people who were members of the Adult College for Rural East Sussex (ACRES).
Having been warned that my audience had already 'experienced' a previous speaker who had 'talked about space' and been 'very dull', my response at the time had been ... well, polite silence, with my inner thoughts echoing, 'Just you wait and see ...'
Over many years I have witnessed such apathy when the word 'astronomy' or 'space' is mentioned. I have always smiled and frequently thought, 'But you want to know ... you just don't know it yet, and it certainly isn't dull!' I have yet to be wrong, and my 'voyage' with my audience on that Friday morning proved no different.
A journey into the Universe is one that all human beings should take. Having taken it, lives are changed forever.
My time with the members of ACRES, in a packed Civic Centre in Uckfield, entirely affirmed this fact. They loved the presentation, purchased all the copies of my book, the newly updated Haynes Astronomy Manual, and have already booked me for 2017. Dull? Hell, no!
An enormous thank you to all for a truly enjoyable time!